Generating the Leading Mode-n Vectors

The leading mode-n vectors are those vectors that span the subspace of the mode-n fibers. In other words, the left singular vectors of the n-mode matricization of X.


Using nvecs to calculate the leading mode-n vectors

The nvecs command efficient computes the leading n-mode vectors.

X = sptenrand([4,3,2],6) %<-- A sparse tensor
X is a sparse tensor of size 4 x 3 x 2 with 6 nonzeros
	(1,2,1)    0.8385
	(2,3,1)    0.5681
	(3,2,1)    0.3704
	(3,3,1)    0.7027
	(4,2,2)    0.5466
	(4,3,2)    0.4449
nvecs(X,1,2) %<-- The 2 leading mode-1 vectors
ans =
    0.5810    0.7687
    0.3761   -0.5451
    0.7219   -0.3347
         0         0
nvecs(X,1,3) % <-- The 3 leading mode-1 vectors
ans =
    0.5810    0.7687         0
    0.3761   -0.5451         0
    0.7219   -0.3347         0
         0         0    1.0000
nvecs(full(X),1,3) %<-- The same thing for a dense tensor
ans =
    0.5810    0.7687         0
    0.3761   -0.5451         0
    0.7219   -0.3347         0
         0         0    1.0000
X = ktensor({rand(3,2),rand(3,2),rand(2,2)}) %<-- A random ktensor
X is a ktensor of size 3 x 3 x 2
	X.lambda = 
		     1     1
	X.U{1} = 
		    0.6946    0.9568
		    0.6213    0.5226
		    0.7948    0.8801
	X.U{2} = 
		    0.1730    0.2523
		    0.9797    0.8757
		    0.2714    0.7373
	X.U{3} = 
		    0.1365    0.8939
		    0.0118    0.1991
nvecs(X,2,1) %<-- The 1 leading mode-2 vector
ans =
nvecs(full(X),2,1) %<-- Same thing for a dense tensor
ans =
X = ttensor(tenrand([2,2,2,2]),{rand(3,2),rand(3,2),rand(2,2),rand(2,2)}); %<-- A random ttensor
nvecs(X,4,2) %<-- The 1 leading mode-2 vector
ans =
    0.7411   -0.6714
    0.6714    0.7411
nvecs(full(X),4,2) %<-- Same thing for a dense tensor
ans =
    0.7411   -0.6714
    0.6714    0.7411

Using nvecs for the HOSVD

X = tenrand([4 3 2]) %<-- Generate data
X is a tensor of size 4 x 3 x 2
	X(:,:,1) = 
	    0.2140    0.7266    0.4399
	    0.6435    0.4120    0.9334
	    0.3200    0.7446    0.6833
	    0.9601    0.2679    0.2126
	X(:,:,2) = 
	    0.8392    0.6072    0.4514
	    0.6288    0.6299    0.0439
	    0.1338    0.3705    0.0272
	    0.2071    0.5751    0.3127
U1 = nvecs(X,1,4); %<-- Mode 1
U2 = nvecs(X,2,3); %<-- Mode 2
U3 = nvecs(X,3,2); %<-- Mode 3
S = ttm(X,{pinv(U1),pinv(U2),pinv(U3)}); %<-- Core
Y = ttensor(S,{U1,U2,U3}) %<-- HOSVD of X
Y is a ttensor of size 4 x 3 x 2
	Y.core is a tensor of size 4 x 3 x 2
		Y.core(:,:,1) = 
	    2.3791   -0.0479   -0.0295
	    0.0430    0.4256    0.0747
	    0.0387    0.1653   -0.0995
	   -0.0565    0.1769    0.2201
		Y.core(:,:,2) = 
	    0.1400    0.2010   -0.4216
	   -0.1373   -0.6148   -0.1499
	    0.4845   -0.0831    0.3278
	    0.1671    0.1620   -0.2217
	Y.U{1} = 
		    0.5386   -0.5134    0.6640   -0.0731
		    0.5965    0.0359   -0.3783    0.7070
		    0.4189   -0.2256   -0.5863   -0.6557
		    0.4227    0.8272    0.2687   -0.2548
	Y.U{2} = 
		    0.6086    0.7876    0.0967
		    0.6145   -0.3907   -0.6854
		    0.5020   -0.4765    0.7217
	Y.U{3} = 
		    0.8206   -0.5715
		    0.5715    0.8206
norm(full(Y) - X) %<-- Reproduces the same result.
ans =
U1 = nvecs(X,1,2); %<-- Mode 1
U2 = nvecs(X,2,2); %<-- Mode 2
U3 = nvecs(X,3,2); %<-- Mode 3
S = ttm(X,{pinv(U1),pinv(U2),pinv(U3)}); %<-- Core
Y = ttensor(S,{U1,U2,U3}) %<-- Rank-(2,2,2) HOSVD approximation of X
Y is a ttensor of size 4 x 3 x 2
	Y.core is a tensor of size 2 x 2 x 2
		Y.core(:,:,1) = 
	    2.3791   -0.0479
	    0.0430    0.4256
		Y.core(:,:,2) = 
	    0.1400    0.2010
	   -0.1373   -0.6148
	Y.U{1} = 
		    0.5386   -0.5134
		    0.5965    0.0359
		    0.4189   -0.2256
		    0.4227    0.8272
	Y.U{2} = 
		    0.6086    0.7876
		    0.6145   -0.3907
		    0.5020   -0.4765
	Y.U{3} = 
		    0.8206   -0.5715
		    0.5715    0.8206
100*(1-norm(full(Y)-X)/norm(X)) %<-- Percentage explained by approximation
ans =