Optimization Methods and Options for Tensor Toolbox

Within the optimization-based functions in Tensor Toolbox like cp_opt, we use a variety MATLAB optimization methods from different sources and with different interfaces. For some consisency, these methods are wrapped and given standardized parameters so that it is relatively easy to swap optimization methods. Here we describe the methods, the standardized parameters, installation instructions (if needed), and the mapping between the standardized parameters and the original ones.

For more information on the details of these methods, see Developer Information for Optimization Methods in Tensor Toolbox.


lbfgsb: Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton with Bound Constraints

Source. Included with Tensor Toolbox, adopted without any modification from L-BFGS-B by Stephen Becker.

Standardized Parameters.

lowerLower bounds, can be vector or scalar-Inf
upperUpper bounds, can be vector or scalar+Inf
maxitersMax outer iterations1000
printitnPrinting frequency by iteration (0=no output)1
mLimited-memory parameter5
subitersControls maximum calls to function-gradient evalations10
ftolStopping condition based on relative function change1e-10
gtolStopping condition based on gradient norm1e-5
mdesc (*)Method description printed out before run'L-BFGS-B Optimization'
xdesc (*)Variable descriptionauto-generated

Installation Instructions. Nothing should be required as this code is contained in libraries/lbfgs. However, if needed, please see the GitHub site for full details on references, installation, etc. Here we provide cursory instructions for installation:

  1. Download the zip file <https://github.com/stephenbeckr/L-BFGS-B-C/archive/master.zip>
  2. Unzip and goto the Matlab/ subdirectoy with MATLAB
  3. Type compile_mex
  4. Add this directory to your saved path!

Mapping of Standardized parameters. The wrapper for this method is tt_opt_lbfgsb in the Tensor Toolbox. Notes regarding mappings to the parameters of Becker's L-BFGS-B code:

lbfgs: Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton

Source. lbfgs method in Poblano Toolbox, v1.2.

Standardized Parameters.

maxitersMax outer iterations1000
printitnPrinting frequency by iteration (0=no output)1
mLimited-memory parameter5
subitersControls maximum calls to function-gradient evalations10
ftolStopping condition based on relative function change1e-10
gtolStopping condition based on gradient norm1e-5
mdesc (*)Method description printed out before run'Poblano L-BFGS Optimization'
xdesc (*)Variable descriptionauto-generated

Installation Instructions. Download and install Poblano Toolbox, v1.2. Please see that web page for full details on references, installation, etc. Here we provide cursory instructions for installation:

  1. Download the zip file <https://github.com/sandialabs/poblano_toolbox/archive/v1.2.zip>
  2. Unzip and goto the poblano_toolbox-1.2/ subdirectoy within MATLAB
  3. Type install_poblano to save this directory to your path

Mapping of Standardized parameters. The wrapper for this method is tt_opt_lbfgs in the Tensor Toolbox. Notes regarding mappings to the parameters of Poblano's L-BFGS code:

fminunc: Optimizaton Toolbox Unconstrained Optimization

Source. MATLAB Optimization Toolbox.

Standardized Parameters.

maxitersMax outer iterations1000
printitnDisplay (0=no output)1
subitersControls maximum calls to function-gradient evalations10
gtolStopping condition based on gradient norm1e-5
mdesc (*)Method description printed out before run'Unconstrained Optimization (via Optimization Toolbox)'
xdesc (*)Variable descriptionauto-generated

Installation Instructions. Install MATLAB Optimization Toolbox.

Mapping of Standardized parameters.

fmincon: Optimizaton Toolbox Constrained Optimization

Source. MATLAB Optimization Toolbox.

Standardized Parameters. Same as for fminunc plus the following:

lowerLower bounds, can be vector or scalar-Inf
upperUpper bounds, can be vector or scalar+Inf
mdesc (*)Method description printed out before run'Constrained Optimization (via Optimization Toolbox)'

Installation Instructions. Install MATLAB Optimization Toolbox.

Mapping of Standardized parameters.

adam: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum

Source. This is our own implementation of Adam. A failed epoch is one where the function value does not decrease. After a failed epoch, the method either reduces the learning rate (by decay) or exits (once the number of failed epochs exceeds maxfails).

Standardized Parameters.

lowerLower bounds, can be vector or scalar-Inf
subitersNumber of iterations per epoch100
maxitersMaximum number of epochs100
rateInitial learning rate1e-2
maxfailsMaximum number of failed epochs1
decayDecay of learning rate after failed epoch0.1
backupRevert to end of previous epoch after failuretrue
ftolQuit if function value goes below this value-Inf
beta1Adam parameter0.9
beta2Adam parameter0.999
epsilonAdam parameter1e-8
printitnPrinting frequency by epoch (0=no output)1
state (*)State of random number generatorcurrent state
mdesc (*)Method description printed out before run'Adam Stochastic Optimization'
xdesc (*)Variable descriptionauto-generated
fdesc (*)Description of (approximate) function computationnone
gdesc (*)Description of stochastic gradient computationnone
fexact (*)Boolean if function is computed exactlytrue