Function Types for GCP
The GCP capability of the Tensor Toolbox allows the user to specify a fit function. There are a number of ''standard'' choices that we provide via the helper function tt_gcp_fg_setup function. These choices are presented in detail below. Motivations and details for these choices can be found in:
- D. Hong, T. G. Kolda, J. A. Duersch, Generalized Canonical Polyadic Tensor Decomposition, SIAM Review, 62:133-163, 2020,
These choices can be passed directly to gcp_opt via the 'type' option. To test the options, call the hidden function:
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup(type)
We discuss the choices for the type below.
- Gaussian (real-valued data)
- Poisson (count data)
- Poisson with Log Link (count data)
- Bernoulli with Odds Link (binary data)
- Bernoulli with Logit Link (binary data)
- Rayleigh (real-valued data)
- Gamma (nonnegative real-valued data)
- Huber (nonnegative real-valued data)
- Negative Binomial (count data)
- Beta (nonnegative real-valued data)
Gaussian (real-valued data)
This is indicated by specifying the type as either 'normal' or 'gaussian'. This choice correspond to standard CP, which is implemented in cp_als and cp_opt. It is useful for continuous real-valued data tensors. This choice specifies
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup('normal')
f = function_handle with value: @(x,m)(m-x).^2 g = function_handle with value: @(x,m)2.*(m-x) lowerbnd = -Inf
Poisson (count data)
This is indicated by specifying the type as either 'count' or 'poisson'. This choice is useful for count data tensors, i.e., tensors that have only entries in {0,1,2,...}. This choice corresponds to Poisson CP, which is implemente din cp_apr. This choice specifies
The quantity is a fudge factor to avoid divide-by-zero errors.
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup('count')
f = function_handle with value: @(x,m)m-x.*log(m+1e-10) g = function_handle with value: @(x,m)1-x./(m+1e-10) lowerbnd = 0
Poisson with Log Link (count data)
This is indicated by specifying the type as 'poisson-log'. This choice is useful for count data tensors, i.e., tensors that have only entries in {0,1,2,...}. This choice specifies
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup('poisson-log')
f = function_handle with value: @(x,m)exp(m)-x.*m g = function_handle with value: @(x,m)exp(m)-x lowerbnd = -Inf
Bernoulli with Odds Link (binary data)
This is indicated by specifying the type as either 'binary' or 'bernoulli-odds'. This choice is useful for binary data tensors, i.e., tensors that have only 0 or 1 entries. This choice specifies
The quantity is a fudge factor to avoid divide-by-zero errors.
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup('binary')
f = function_handle with value: @(x,m)log(m+1)-x.*log(m+1e-10) g = function_handle with value: @(x,m)1./(m+1)-x./(m+1e-10) lowerbnd = 0
Bernoulli with Logit Link (binary data)
This is indicated by specifying the type as 'bernoulli-logit'. This choice is useful for binary data tensors, i.e., tensors that have only 0 or 1 entries. This choice specifies
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup('bernoulli-logit')
f = function_handle with value: @(x,m)log(exp(m)+1)-x.*m g = function_handle with value: @(x,m)exp(m)./(exp(m)+1)-x lowerbnd = -Inf
Rayleigh (real-valued data)
This is indicated by specifying the type 'rayleigh'. This choice is useful for nonnegative real-values data tensors, i.e., tensors that have only nonnegative. This choice specifies
The quantity is a fudge factor to avoid divide-by-zero errors.
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup('rayleigh')
f = function_handle with value: @(x,m)2*log(m+1e-10)+(pi/4)*(x./(m+1e-10)).^2 g = function_handle with value: @(x,m)2./(m+1e-10)-(pi/2)*x.^2./(m+1e-10).^3 lowerbnd = 0
Gamma (nonnegative real-valued data)
This is indicated by specifying the type 'gamma'. This choice is useful for nonnegative real-values data tensors, i.e., tensors that have only nonnegative. This choice specifies
The quantity is a fudge factor to avoid divide-by-zero errors.
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup('gamma')
f = function_handle with value: @(x,m)x./(m+1e-10)+log(m+1e-10) g = function_handle with value: @(x,m)-x./((m+1e-10).^2)+1./(m+1e-10) lowerbnd = 0
Huber (nonnegative real-valued data)
This is indicated by specifying the type 'huber (DELTA)', where DELTA is in the equations below. This choice is useful for nonnegative real-values data tensors, i.e., tensors that have only nonnegative. This choice specifies
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup('huber (0.25)')
f = function_handle with value: @(x,m)(x-m).^2.*(abs(x-m)<0.25)+(0.5.*abs(x-m)-0.0625).*(abs(x-m)>=0.25) g = function_handle with value: @(x,m)-2.*(x-m).*(abs(x-m)<0.25)-(0.5.*sign(x-m)).*(abs(x-m)>=0.25) lowerbnd = -Inf
Negative Binomial (count data)
This is indicated by specifying the type 'negative-binomial (r)', where r is in the equations below. This choice is useful for count data tensors. This choice specifies
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup('negative-binomial (4)')
f = function_handle with value: @(x,m)(4+x).*log(1+m)-x*log(m+1e-10) g = function_handle with value: @(x,m)(5)./(1+m)-x./(m+1e-10) lowerbnd = 0
Beta (nonnegative real-valued data)
This is indicated by specifying the type 'beta (BETA)', where BETA is in the equations below. This choice is useful for nonnegative data tensors. Choices of
are not allowed because these correspond to 'gamma' or 'rayleigh'. This choice specifies
[f,g,lowerbnd] = tt_gcp_fg_setup('beta (0.3)')
f = function_handle with value: @(x,m)(3.33333).*(m+1e-10).^(0.3)-(-1.42857).*x.*(m+1e-10).^(-0.7) g = function_handle with value: @(x,m)(m+1e-10).^(-0.7)-x.*(m+1e-10).^(-1.7) lowerbnd = 0